HWCD 2017豪宅设计回顾

HWCD , 2018-03-27


One Tower Bridge Wellington Penthouse

One Tower Bridge Wessex Penthouse

Sydney Harbor - Hunter Hill Villa

City Road Terraced House

Kidderpore Green Hampstead

South Quay Plaza


汤臣一品顶复 TOMSON Penthouse

瑞虹新城叠拼别墅 RUIHONG: The Futuer Land Superimposed Villa

绿地黄浦滨江顶复 GREENLAND GROUP: Huangpu The Bund Side Top Duplex Apartment

九龙仓E18 The Wharf E18

云锦东方样板房 Oriendtal Bay B1

仁恒世纪城 YANLORD On The Park

中粮前滩海景壹号 COFCO Ocean One